Indonesia : The Passionate Branch Manager Conference 2008.07.03

The Indonesia Corporate overcame its geographical disadvantage of being located in a country consisted of 5 large islands and 20,000 smaller ones and adopted the branch system to actively engage in effective center management.

The current 78 centers are being systematically being managed by 17 managers where the head office is focusing on training the managers.

Inni Ceragem, in an effort to promote the quality of training and to strengthen the teamwork among branch managers, hosted a Manager’s Conference (workshop) in ‘Bali’, the city of liveliness and excitement. Here, the management staff and branch managers gathered until late night to discuss in depth regarding ‘center management and training’ and ‘lectures’. Meanwhile, they reconfirmed good friendship by playing games every once a while. 

Ukraine : Ceragem Master was donated to the Ukrainian Athletes Training Center   2008.07.03  
India : Strong Will for Success! The National Business Conference   2008.07.03